472 kHz at Club night

Here are the details of the Garo’s CW QSOs on the new 472kHz band from

the club Friday night.

DF0WD Wolf Dielefeld Germany 617km
DJ8WX Uwe near Hamburg apx 740km
PE5T Kees in Holland
EI6DN John Dublin apx 440km
G3YXM Dave Birmingham
G3XIZ Chris Biggleswade
EI0CF Finbar Malin Head Ireland. 635km

Other countries heard but ‘got away’ HB9 OK


472kHz to 479kHz MF band allocated by notice of variation from 1/1/13

Club long wire apx 65m long. Tuned by base loading coil of 184uH.
Antenna current 2 Amp, measured on thermocouple ammeter.


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