M2W – CQ WPX SSB Contest 2007 Results

Even though the clubs call sign M2W is a very small RF footprint within the Contest world the actual result we achieved during the 2007 CQ WW contest is quite remarkable.

The club call M2W has been listed within the section of ‘Multi- operator two transmitter ‘Europe’ CQ Amateur Radio January 2008. Taking into account that we had a considerable number of first time/newly licence operators taking part our achievement as a club is fantastic. The results show us listed as 3rd in the UK (2nd if you do not count Scotland!!) and 12th overall in the subdivision we entered.

Just to verify M2W has had 1,326,274 points confirmed and the station just above us was G4IIY.

G4IIY managed to achieve 1,391,190 points. Only having, 64,916 points between us is a target for us next year.

So what are we going to do then to go up the point’s ranking and to beat Ian G4IIY? I have a suggestion for the next AGM we must agree to sign up ‘2 Vlad’s,. CQ CQ de UA9FAR x2 can we be heard in Asiatic Russia!

A big ‘well done’ to all who took part to make this club event such a success, above all the team work and fun we all had taking part made it all worthwhile. We have quite a few QSL cards to complete any volunteers?

I bet no other contest station taking part around the world had two disco parties of 100+ people taking place on two separate nights/mornings in the room next to the shack in there building! That must be worth some extra points?

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2 Responses to M2W – CQ WPX SSB Contest 2007 Results

  1. Garo says:

    Well done to the team in this CQWW WPX SSB Contest. We hope to improve our score every year, Antenna permission permitting.


  2. Phil, G3MGQ says:

    Hi Garo,
    Your CQWW WPX station at Dallington was fabulous – Green with envy! Great to meet you all there this morning.

    Perused your website, and just wanted to let Paul know that the HF Contests Calender link appears to be broken – can’t connect to http://www.contesting.co.uk directly either. (I’m using IE7). Couldn’t find another way of contacting your webmaster.
    73 de Phil, G3MGQ
    15.16UTC on 29/5/10

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